Complimentary Property Strategy Session

Life can be stressful. Buying property doesn't have to be. 

Your concerns, goals and the guidance you need will differ from other property buyers. The best way for us to understand your individual circumstances, and provide you with strategic advice, is to meet face to face and talk about it.  

In our first meeting together we will talk about bridging the gap between where you are now and your ideal dream - whether it is to have a portfolio of properties or to have a family home you can enjoy whilst generating decent equity growth.  Don't waste time trying to figure everything out yourself through trial and error. Fill out your details below and we will arrange your strategy session with our experienced director Paul Murphy.

What can you expect at your initial strategy session?

During our initial strategy session, we will spend the time to get to know you and our goal is for you to walk away with clarity and a strategic plan of how to achieve what you want too. 

During our initial strategy session together we will cover:

  • What your main goal(s) and priorities are.

  • As part of this we will ask whether you are searching for your primary home, searching for an investment property or selling your home.

  • Whether you have the right next best steps in place including the support you need.

  • Outline a timeframe on when you need to make your next move.

  • Address any concerns and fears you have.

  • Map out the most suitable strategy for you for moving forward.

Talk with Paul Murphy now. Book your initial strategy session here.

Who is Paul Murphy?

Paul Murphy is a fully licensed Real Estate Agent with 30 years experience.

His long time involvement with auction, private sale, investmentsand the tender process has equipped Paul with an outstanding professionalunderstanding of the Real Estate Market as well as an understanding of peopleand their needs.